Today's question: Early Reviewers- do you participate? How many books (approximately) have you received through the program? Have you liked them generally? What's your favorite ER book? Do you participate in the discussion group on LT?
I've been participating in Early Reviewers since August, and I've been lucky enough to get two books in as many months. I've been selected for Murder on the Eiffel Tower (review here), and The King and Mrs. Simpson, which I have yet to receive. I thought that Murder on the Eiffel Tower was very lackluster; I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of The King and Mrs. Simpson, since I love everything that has to do with British royalty. I occasionally participate in the ER discussion forum, but mostly I lurk, since most of the discussion is complaining about the Mighty Algorithm, or new people who ask the same questions over and over again (or they ask questions that can easily be found in the FAQ). Yes, I know I'm a newbie, too, but I've learned a lot by just watching and reading. I especially like the "review tracker" threads, so that I can see if I should be getting my book soon!
The other thing I really like about ER is the fact that you learn about new books that are coming out--that's how I learned about The Glass of Time (which I cold requested the publisher for), and Those Who Dream By Day, which I cold requested from the September batch.
- medieval bookworm
I agree that it's fun to see what new books are coming out.