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A giveaway winner, and another giveaway

The winner of the Girl in a Blue Dress contest is... Anna, of Diary of An Eccentric!

My new contest is for a copy of The Shape of Mercy, by Susan Meissner. According to Publisher's Weekly:
Meissner's newest novel is potentially life-changing, the kind of inspirational fiction that prompts readers to call up old friends, lost loves or fallen-away family members to tell them that all is forgiven and that life is too short for holding grudges. Achingly romantic, the novel features the legacy of Mercy Hayworth—a young woman convicted during the Salem witch trials—whose words reach out from the past to forever transform the lives of two present-day women. These book lovers—Abigail Boyles, elderly, bitter and frail, and Lauren Lars Durough, wealthy, earnest and young—become unlikely friends, drawn together over the untimely death of Mercy, whose precious diary is all that remains of her too short life. And what a diary! Mercy's words not only beguile but help Abigail and Lars together face life's hardest struggles about where true meaning is found, which dreams are worth chasing and which only lead to emptiness, and why faith and hope are essential on life's difficult path. Meissner's prose is exquisite and she is a stunning storyteller. This is a novel to be shared with friends.
Sound good? The deadline to enter is a week from now, Thursday, October 9th.
And don't forget that the contest for The Glass of Time is still open!


Anonymous said…
It sounds fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds like and interesting inspirational read
mrs.mommyy at
Pat said…
I would love to win this!
Jenn S. said…
Sounds like a great read. Count me in.
randio said…
This sounds like a wonderful book, I'd love to win it! Thank you for a great giveaway.
Unknown said…
Copy of The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner is on my reading list.

Great blog!


jashogue @ gmail. com
Unknown said…
oooh this book sounds great read about it yesterday : )

lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com
Think about it said…
i like borders book store..
Sheri S. said…
Sounds like a good book. I'd love to be entered. Thanks!

preferred.stock at gmail dot com
Amanda said…
Sounds like a great read! Can you add me into the draw please?
Carol EL said…
I would love to win and read this book.
abfantom said…
I would like to read this. Please enter me.
Aisling said…
I find it interesting that a work of fiction can often stir us to positive action more than a factual self-help book. I'd love to read this.
sweetsue said…
I love diaries and books about diaries-the snoop in me I guess!

smchester@gmail dot com
Linda said…
The review makes this book sound intriguing. I'd like to read this novel.
Alicia said…
Great giveaway! Please enter me :)

adw7984 at gmail dot com
Zoly said…
Another one I'd like to read.
Tobye said…
Sounds like a good book.
Anonymous said…
The book sounds really good.
Nicole C. said…
Sounds like a great book!!

Nadia said…
This sounds fab! I would love to be entered into the giveaway. Cheers!!
Anonymous said…
Looks like a good read.

rebbi511 at
David Johnson said…
Sounds great, thanks titanicluck at gmail dot com
toughturtles said…
inspirational fiction sounds good
tatertot374 said…
Thank you for having this. This sounds really good. Thank you!
Veronica said…
sounds like a great book. enter me please!!!

freemanm8 AT gmail DOT com
dwarzel said…
Count me in!

dwarzel at
Anonymous said…
This sounds like it would be a wonderful read and since my girlfriend and I are always swapping books I could pass it along to her too.
Dove420 said…
Sounds like a good book, count me in please
Serena said…
Congrats ANNA! And she says she never wins.
janeh said…
I just finished a book which dealt with the Salem Witch trials as well...this one sounds fascinating and I'd love to read it!
vboackle said…
i love to read and this looks good.
mverno said…
sounds like a great read
Gwendolyn B. said…
Would love to read this -- thanks for the chance!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
susan1215 said…
Sounds like a great book
redron said…
want to win this
Cherie J said…
Please enter me. Thank you!

Annie1 said…
Thanks for the great giveaways! I'd love to win!
Please enter me to win. Thank you!
danosor said…
I am a subscriber.
This sounds like a great book, please enter me!
Anonymous said…
Looks interesting.
kamewh said…
I would love to be entered!
Anonymous said…
Nice prize. Count me in!
Ruth King said…
I would love to read this. Please enter me!

ruth at bookishruth dot com
Storeetllr said…
Me too! Me too! I just love historical fiction, and this one sounds wonderful!

I'm going to post a reference to your giveaway on my blog too!
zekebamm said…
Sounds like a really good book -- would love to find out!
Ladytink_534 said…
Somehow books based on or in the Salem Witch Trial time period always manage to make me cry. I still love these types of books though.
msrodeobrat said…
this book looks like a great read, i would love to read it
cpullum said…
What a great giveaway! I would love to read the novel!
idahomom said…
The boys are back and school and I am getting my list of things to do done, so I am looking for some good books.
Mya Brooks said…
I want to read this!
Anonymous said…
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

js22 said…
ooh. sounds like a great book!
Bingo said…
What fun...and how nice of you! I hope I win but...lots of entries! Thank you for doing this!
SeahorseLady said…
This sounds like my type of book and I'm always looking for something new to read.
Thank you for the nice giveaway.
Karen said…
Sounds great !!
Anonymous said…
I love to read. Thanks for the contest.
Bookfool said…
Sounds wonderful. Please add me to the drawing!

bookfoolery at gmail dot com

Tig said…
Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!
ewalsh40 said…
I would love a chance to win this. Thanks!
ELE said…
OOH I would love to win this
Icetwofire said…
Oh my, what a book. Reading the review was provoking me to pick up the phone, thank you.
kristilb19 said…
I love reading, this looks great!
ky2here said…
I'd love to read this.
bison61 said…
this book sounds wonderful-hope I win

tiramisu392 (at)
desikitteh said…
would love to read this.

Anonymous said…
Sounds like a really good read!
Rybrarian said…
Thank you for running this contest. I'd like to put my name in the hat, so to speak;

ryandonovanlibrarian {at} gmail {dot} com
Thanks for the giveaway. I love reading new books.
Unknown said…
Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the contest.
Jodi said…
This book sounds great, and this is perfect book reading weather. Thanks for the chance.

sachidewey said…
I could really use a new book for my nightstand, and this one sounds great!
Erica G said…
I would like to win this!!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
Sunny said…
Definitely count me in! Thanks!

PICK ME!! Sounds like a good book!
Becky said…
Sounds like a great book..I would love to read it.
MageMorgana said…
Please enter me in this giveaway ;)

wgbc1446 said…
Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the giveaway! wgbc1446[at]yahoodotcom
yellowlabs said…
I love inspirational fiction. This looks like a fantastic read!
theamira said…
Wow! sounds like a great book!
CCAT45 said…
I love reading and this book sounds interesting
Sahm Lee said…
This sounds like an interesting read! Thanks for the contest!
CanAmBlond said…
Looks like a great read, thanks.
Sounds like a book I'd like to read--thanks!
Betty C said…
Sounds like a book I would enjoy.
Melanie said…
As a regular visitor to Salem, I would so love to read it.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the fab contest..I looove to read!!
masonsgranny59 said…
I would love to win this!
Anonymous said…
I was in Salem, Mass a couple of summers ago. what a neat place. This story sounds so intriguing!
Anonymous said…
This looks like a great read. Thank you for the opportunity to win it!
Tammy said…
It sounds like a great read! thanks for the chance to win.
klp1965 said…
Donna said…
It sounds good. Please, count me in.
fancyfeet48 said…
looks like a good read
barbara said…
This book sounds really good!
lilyk said…
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
Helen said…
Sounds like a great book!
Aimee said…
Sounds awesome! Thanks for the contest!
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great read. I would love to win it.
bev said…
I love books like this. Thanks for having the contest!
Charlene Kuser said…
This book review sound wonderful
and some good lessons to be learned
Please enter me and thanks for
the giveaway
Anonymous said…
I was just in Salem 2 weeks ago - this would've been a perfect read while I was there!
Anonymous said…
It sounds fabulous!

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