On Sunday evenings, I always feel a little bit of a letdown. The weekends always seem so short, and there’s all this anticipation about the week ahead. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been busy with a major project at work that’s made me a bit anxious, since this is really my chance to prove myself. Last weekend my best friend from high school came to visit; I haven’t seen her in three years, and I took her down town to see my new apartment and explore the city.
This weekend, I’m battling a cold, but it’s not quite as bad as it could be. I’ve spent a good portion of the weekend watching TV and writing reviews, since I’m sorely behind in that. What I usually do with my reviews is schedule them to post automatically; as of about 15 minutes ago, I had none. Currently, I’m reading some more Dorothy Sayers (Strong Poison, which is the one where we meet Harriet Vane).
As far as book buying goes, my vow to acquire less has promptly gone down the tube; I bought three Viragos at the Book Trader last weekend, and then I’ve been participating in the Virago Secret Santa thing on LT; a couple of days ago, a doorstopper of a package landed on my doorstep. We’re not supposed to open them for another week or so, so it’s been a test of wills with me not to rip open the package and see what’s inside! I’m kind of concerned about what I’m getting for my Secret Santa person; I ordered my books online at Awesomebooks and they still haven’t arrived! That on top of having to pack the books off and send them! Also frustrating is the fact that I haven’t bought gifts for nearly everyone on my list… better get started… how has your holiday season been going so far?