Yesterday I arrived home to find a package lying on my doorstep. It was in one of those bubble mailers that bookdepository uses, had a British stamp, and it was a hardcover book… so I got a bit excited, thinking it was Elizabeth Chadwick’s new book, somehow come early. My hopes were raised... and then...
I opened the package to discover it’s a copy of one of Meira Chand’s books, which had me exceedingly puzzled for a moment… until I read the packaging and discovered that it was meant for one of the people I live with! Oh, the disappointment I felt! What a cruel trick. This waiting is killing me... it's May finally, can I please have my copy of To Defy a King arrive already?
My moment of supreme disappointment was alleviated somewhat by the fact that also in the mail were two packages from Persephone: Still Missing and Dimanche and Other Stories, just in time for Persephone Reading Weeek…