What books do you have next to your bed right now? How about other places in the house? What are you reading?
Literally on my bedside table right now are The Brothers of Gwynedd Quartet (I’m steeling myself to read the second book in it, but I’ll wait to do so after Memorial Day weekend). I also have review copies of Indu Sundaresan’s Shadow Princess and Sloane Crosley’s How Did You Get This Number, both books that I’ve read and written reviews for, and which I need to reshelve at some point when I’m not feeling lazy.
In the bookcase next to my bed, I have about a hundred books to read (a full list can be seen here). A few of these are review copies (including a LTER book that I need to get around to reading and reviewing sometime soon), but this upcoming weekend, with the holiday and all, I really only feel like reading fun stuff. I’m thinking some Mary Stewart, or Elizabeth Chadwick, especially To Defy a King. Currently, though, I’m reading the 15th book in the Morland Dynasty series, The Reckoning—also, another one of those fun reads. It's really and truly time for summer to start!
It's very clever! I haven't (yet) read the book.