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The Sunday Salon

It’s the Sunday after Thanksgiving here in the United States, and it’s hard to believe that a four-day weekend is already drawing to a close. It was a pretty busy reading week for me—after my last Sunday Salon post, I read Silk, by Alessandro Baricco. After that I read the first book in the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy, The Wreath; Fire From Heaven, by Mary Renault (I guess ancient Greece isn’t really my thing); Tracy Chevalier’s new book, Remarkable Creatures (coming out here in the US on January 5th); and The Victorian Chaise-Lounge, by Mrghanita Laski. How did I get so much reading in? Well, to be honest, two of these books were novellas; and I spent about nine hours total in the backseat of a car on Friday and Saturday going to and from Pittsburgh to visit family.

Thanksgiving itself was spent here in Philly, with my family and (nutty) grandmother. Thanksgiving dinner is always really good, but I always feel gross after eating, you know?

I’m currently reading the 11th book in the Morland Dynasty series, The Emperor, set this time between 1796 and 1802. Napoleon is on the rise, and Jemima Morland is still the matriarch of a very large brood back at Morland Place. Another one of those books I started on the Pittsburgh trip, and I’m about halfway through.

I keep thinking about this year, and how quickly its passed by. It’s the last weekend in November, and really, we’ve only got about four, maybe five weeks left in the year—and really, in the decade, to think of it! It’s been a good year, both for reading and in general. How was your month?


Anonymous said…
I've had a spotty reading month- while I finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, I can't seem to get through Illegal People. I'm sorry you don't like Mary Renault- I adore her. I'm pleased you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Judy Krueger said…
This week I read Guardian Angel, Sara Paretsky's 7th V I Warshawski mystery. I am reading my way through all her books and love her fiercely feminist stance. Her books are set in Chicago, so when I moved on to the 1957 bestseller, Compulsion, by Meyer Levin, there I was in Chicago again, during the 1920s. It took a while to read this 500 page early example of true-crime fiction. It is based on an actual murder trial in which Clarence Darrow was the defense council. Lots of sex (including homosexuality in 1957!), psychological probing into the crimes and philosophical musings about justice, crime and punishment. Last night I started another 1957 bestseller, Rally Round the Flag Boys, by Max Shulman. I'll let you know about that one next week, but let me just say that books set in the 1950s are truly historical fiction in 2009.
Kathleen said…
I'm so jealous that you can read in the car...I always seem to get car sick if I try that. Sounds like you had a busy and productive 4 day weekend.
Danielle said…
I can't believe how fast this month has flown by, too! I finished two books, which I was happy about, but I had started them a while ago. I have the UK edition of the Chevalier which I am looking forward to reading and I really liked the Laski book when I read it. I've read a few of the Cynthia Harrod Eagles books, but not a single one this year--I'm making very slow progress on those books--at the rate I'm going I'm going to be retired before I finish them!
Serena said…
This year did pass quickly. Its amazing that it is already December! Where did the time go?!

I've been behind in blog reading and am trying to at least pick a couple posts from everyone to read before hitting the dreaded mark all as read button. I feel guilty.

But then again, I've been busy with holidays and the War blog. The latest challenge info has been posted here:

in case you are interested this year's war challenge is about the Vietnam War.

Happy reading.

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