I’ve decided to participate in the 2010 A to Z Challenge. This past year, I read authors from A to Z. I’m not yet done with 2009’s challenge, but I’m having a lot of fun doing this challenge. I’ve decided to stretch myself even further in 2010 and do the Authors and Titles option. Both authors and titles are to be determined. I don't want to commit to anything at this point, as my reading is often subject to change:
A: Alexander, Vanessa: The Love Knot
B: Barnes, Margaret Campbell: Within the Hollow Crown
C: Chadwick, Elizabeth: The Love Knot
D: Dickason, Christie: The Lady Tree
E: Elliott, Anna: Twilight of Avalon
F: Ferguson, Rachel: The Brontes Went to Woolworths
G: Glaspell, Susan: Fidelity
H: Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia: The Regency
I: Ingham, Penny: The King's Daughter
J: James, Syrie: Dracula, My Love
K: Kearsley, Susanna: The Splendour Falls
L: Lofts, Nora: The Lute Player
M: McCammon, Robert: Mister Slaughter
N: Norman, Diana: Fitzempress' Law
O: Oliphant, Margaret: Miss Marjoribanks
P: Parris, SJ: Heresy
Q: Quinn, Kate: Mistress of Rome
R: Raybourn, Deanna: The Dead Travel Fast
S: Stewart, Mary: My Brother Michael
T: Thirkell, Angela: High Rising
U: Undset, Sigrid: The Wife
V: Vincenzi, Penny: No Angel
W: Whipple, Dorothy: They Were Sisters
X: Xiaolong, Qiu: Death of a Red Heroine
Y: Young, EH: Chatterton Square
Z: Zeitz, Joshua: Flapper
A: Airs Above the Ground, by Mary Stewart
B: Brigid of Kildare, by Heather Terrell
C: The Carlyles at Home, by Thea Holme
D: The Devil's Horse, by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
E: The Expendable Man, by Dorothy Hughes
F: The Far Cry, by Emma Smith
G: Gildenford, by Valerie Anand
H: A Hollow Crown, by Helen Hollick
I: Island of Ghosts, by Gillian Bradshaw
J: Jerusalem, by Cecelia Holland
K: The King's General, by Daphne Du Maurier
L: A London Child of the 1870s, by Molly Hughes
M: The Marsh King's Daughter, by Elizabeth Chadwick
N: Nightingale Wood, by Stella Gibbons
O: Of the Ring of Earls, by Juliet Dymoke
P: Paths of Exile, by Carla Nayland
Q: The Queen's Governess, by Karen Harper
R: The Road to Jerusalem, by Jan Guillou
S: Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple
T: To Defy a King, by Elizabeth Chadwick
U: The Unquiet Bones, by Melvin Starr
V: The Victory, by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
W: Wild Romance, by Chloe Schama
X: The Mitfords: Letters Between SiX Sisters, by Charlotte Mosley
Y: The Young Pretenders, by Edith Joy Fowler
Z: My Fair LaZy, by Jen Lancaster
A: Alexander, Vanessa: The Love Knot
B: Barnes, Margaret Campbell: Within the Hollow Crown
C: Chadwick, Elizabeth: The Love Knot
D: Dickason, Christie: The Lady Tree
E: Elliott, Anna: Twilight of Avalon
F: Ferguson, Rachel: The Brontes Went to Woolworths
G: Glaspell, Susan: Fidelity
H: Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia: The Regency
I: Ingham, Penny: The King's Daughter
J: James, Syrie: Dracula, My Love
K: Kearsley, Susanna: The Splendour Falls
L: Lofts, Nora: The Lute Player
M: McCammon, Robert: Mister Slaughter
N: Norman, Diana: Fitzempress' Law
O: Oliphant, Margaret: Miss Marjoribanks
P: Parris, SJ: Heresy
Q: Quinn, Kate: Mistress of Rome
R: Raybourn, Deanna: The Dead Travel Fast
S: Stewart, Mary: My Brother Michael
T: Thirkell, Angela: High Rising
U: Undset, Sigrid: The Wife
V: Vincenzi, Penny: No Angel
W: Whipple, Dorothy: They Were Sisters
X: Xiaolong, Qiu: Death of a Red Heroine
Y: Young, EH: Chatterton Square
Z: Zeitz, Joshua: Flapper
A: Airs Above the Ground, by Mary Stewart
B: Brigid of Kildare, by Heather Terrell
C: The Carlyles at Home, by Thea Holme
D: The Devil's Horse, by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
E: The Expendable Man, by Dorothy Hughes
F: The Far Cry, by Emma Smith
G: Gildenford, by Valerie Anand
H: A Hollow Crown, by Helen Hollick
I: Island of Ghosts, by Gillian Bradshaw
J: Jerusalem, by Cecelia Holland
K: The King's General, by Daphne Du Maurier
L: A London Child of the 1870s, by Molly Hughes
M: The Marsh King's Daughter, by Elizabeth Chadwick
N: Nightingale Wood, by Stella Gibbons
O: Of the Ring of Earls, by Juliet Dymoke
P: Paths of Exile, by Carla Nayland
Q: The Queen's Governess, by Karen Harper
R: The Road to Jerusalem, by Jan Guillou
S: Someone at a Distance, by Dorothy Whipple
T: To Defy a King, by Elizabeth Chadwick
U: The Unquiet Bones, by Melvin Starr
V: The Victory, by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
W: Wild Romance, by Chloe Schama
X: The Mitfords: Letters Between SiX Sisters, by Charlotte Mosley
Y: The Young Pretenders, by Edith Joy Fowler
Z: My Fair LaZy, by Jen Lancaster