I’ve been very busy this week, so my blog posts have kind of tapered off recently. But I have been very busy reading (always a good thing, I suppose…); here’s what I’ve read:
A Plague on Both Your Houses, by Susanna Gregory
Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart
Murder of a Medici Princess, by Caroline Murphy (nonfiction about the life of Isabella de Medici and the manner of her death in 1576)
Her Fearful Symmetry, by Audrey Niffenegger, which I finished last night. It’s excellent; a combination of modern love story and Victorian-style ghost story. I’m working on my review of the book, and I’ll post it closer to the book’s publication date at the end of next month.
Currently I’m reading Named of the Dragon, by Susanna Kearsley; I’m saving my ARC of Cleopatra’s Daughter for the plane ride over to London.
I’ve also been busy finalizing vacation plans—can it really be just this week that I’ll be going? Seems like yesterday that I was applying for time off and buying my plane tickets (really, it was three months ago). I’ve got so many things I want to do, and I don’t know how I’ll fit it all in in a week! Lots of book shopping, of course (Hatchard’s, Foyle’s, the South Bank Book Fair, and the Persephone Bookshop are on my list of places to visit); and then I wanted to go to the British Museum, the V&A, Temple Church; the Olde Cheshire Cheese; Covent Garden; the Museum of the City of London; going to a performance of The Mousetrap. After reading Her Fearful Symmetry, I wanted to visit Highgate cemetery, but it’s a little out of my way. I’m so excited, though!
Yesterday I bought a new camera; my old one, which I bought a year and a half ago, is a 2002 model, and I couldn’t find a new memory card for it anywhere… to use the cards that are currently being sold would have required sending my camera off to the repair center to have an upgrade done… so it was cheapest just to buy a new digital camera. I’ve been playing around with my new toy, a Nikon Coolpix, all afternoon, and it’s very cool.
A Plague on Both Your Houses, by Susanna Gregory
Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart
Murder of a Medici Princess, by Caroline Murphy (nonfiction about the life of Isabella de Medici and the manner of her death in 1576)
Her Fearful Symmetry, by Audrey Niffenegger, which I finished last night. It’s excellent; a combination of modern love story and Victorian-style ghost story. I’m working on my review of the book, and I’ll post it closer to the book’s publication date at the end of next month.
Currently I’m reading Named of the Dragon, by Susanna Kearsley; I’m saving my ARC of Cleopatra’s Daughter for the plane ride over to London.
I’ve also been busy finalizing vacation plans—can it really be just this week that I’ll be going? Seems like yesterday that I was applying for time off and buying my plane tickets (really, it was three months ago). I’ve got so many things I want to do, and I don’t know how I’ll fit it all in in a week! Lots of book shopping, of course (Hatchard’s, Foyle’s, the South Bank Book Fair, and the Persephone Bookshop are on my list of places to visit); and then I wanted to go to the British Museum, the V&A, Temple Church; the Olde Cheshire Cheese; Covent Garden; the Museum of the City of London; going to a performance of The Mousetrap. After reading Her Fearful Symmetry, I wanted to visit Highgate cemetery, but it’s a little out of my way. I’m so excited, though!
Yesterday I bought a new camera; my old one, which I bought a year and a half ago, is a 2002 model, and I couldn’t find a new memory card for it anywhere… to use the cards that are currently being sold would have required sending my camera off to the repair center to have an upgrade done… so it was cheapest just to buy a new digital camera. I’ve been playing around with my new toy, a Nikon Coolpix, all afternoon, and it’s very cool.
Have a fantastic trip.
Have a great vacation!