#7: 1689-1718: Covers the Glorious Revolution; the Act of Union; the 1715 Rebellion
In 1689, Annunciata Morland goes into exile with James II. Her sons Karellie and Maurice go to Italy, while back at home at Morland Place, her grandson, Matt, is the family patriarch, marrying the cruel and heartless India Neville. It’s a marriage from which nothing good can come. The story covers nearly 30 years, up through the Scottish rebellion in 1715, with James Stuart the “Pretender,” or “Chevalier”—depending on which side you’re on.
Finally, the Morland Dynasty series makes it through the 17th century and into the 18th. The 17th century isn’t a particular favorite, and the character of Annunciata Morland isn’t a particularly appealing one, so I’m sort of glad that her story is mostly over. And even when she was in her fifties and sixties, she was still running around like a much younger woman. Matt’s also not really a favorite character, since he allows India to push him around most of the time and displays none of the strength that previous Morlands have. So this, the seventh book in the series, isn’t a particular favorite, but I still like how Cynthia Harrod-Eagles brings historical events to life. I’m interested to move on to The Maiden, book 8, which opens on the eve of the South Sea Bubble.