It’s yet another quiet weekend here. In the past week, I’ve read:
The Ivy Tree, by Mary Stewart
The Princeling, by Cynthia Harrod Eagles
The Last Days of the Romanovs, by Helen Rappaport
I enjoyed all three of these books, so It’s been a good week, reading-wise. I've also been trying to write a review of Sarah Bower's The Book of Love, but I've gotten stuck with it (it dragged in the middle). I’m just about to start The Priory, by Dorothy Whipple, a Persephone classic that took about two weeks to get to me from Amazon.com.
I’ve been wondering about something recently: ARCs. I know a lot of you get them and review them; so do I. My question for you is about your reviews: do you post them as soon as you read the book and write the review? Or do you wait until the day of publication to post? I’ve been seeing a lot of reviews of to-be-published books, ages before the book comes out, so that’s what prompted the question. Thoughts?
The Ivy Tree, by Mary Stewart
The Princeling, by Cynthia Harrod Eagles
The Last Days of the Romanovs, by Helen Rappaport
I enjoyed all three of these books, so It’s been a good week, reading-wise. I've also been trying to write a review of Sarah Bower's The Book of Love, but I've gotten stuck with it (it dragged in the middle). I’m just about to start The Priory, by Dorothy Whipple, a Persephone classic that took about two weeks to get to me from Amazon.com.
I’ve been wondering about something recently: ARCs. I know a lot of you get them and review them; so do I. My question for you is about your reviews: do you post them as soon as you read the book and write the review? Or do you wait until the day of publication to post? I’ve been seeing a lot of reviews of to-be-published books, ages before the book comes out, so that’s what prompted the question. Thoughts?
I'm currently reading an ARC of a book that doesn't come out until June (just couldn't wait), so I'll probably discuss it a bit this week but save the full review for closer to the release. That's just me, though.
I'll be interested to follow comments here and see what others have to say.
- Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm