“How do you arrange your books on your shelves? Is it by author, by genre, or you just put it where it falls on?”
I arrange my books thusly: I divide them into fiction and nonfiction, and the alphabetize them by author. With series, I arrange them in series order, not alphabetically. The only books that don’t fall under this system of categorization are my books on medieval history; within nonfiction, I keep them separate. I also keep my TBR books separate from the rest, so I know exactly what’s there.
I arrange my books thusly: I divide them into fiction and nonfiction, and the alphabetize them by author. With series, I arrange them in series order, not alphabetically. The only books that don’t fall under this system of categorization are my books on medieval history; within nonfiction, I keep them separate. I also keep my TBR books separate from the rest, so I know exactly what’s there.
If I had them all in one place, I would organise them in my own idiosyncratic way, according to genres.
Until then, I just keep them all online in a virtual bookcase.