Did you know that there are 1497 authors participating in LT Authors? If you haven't checked it out, head over for a moment and see if you can find out something new about an author! If you don't have time to go snooping, have you ever looked at the LT Author page before? Did you know that it is for authors and readers alike? Have you ever looked up a favorite or new author on LT to see what they read and if they have left any comments or reviews themselves? Have you ever told an author about LT Authors and encouraged them to check the site out?
I knew that I had books by LT authors in my library (CW Gortner, Debra Hamel, Susan Higginbotham, David Liss, Kirsten Menger-Anderson, Richard Price, Deanna Raybourn, and Tatiana De Rosnay), but I had no idea that there were that many authors who participated in LT authors! The only time I’ve ever come into cotact with one of them was when David Liss left me a nice note on my profile page about his newest book (which makes me feel a little bad for not absolutely loving it).
What I also like, which is related to LT Authors, is the I See Dead People’s Books group. Essentially, readers on LT have gotten together to catalogue the libraries of famous (dead) people; some of the books in those libraries are quite interesting. Another favorite section is Legacy Libraries, so you can see exactly what books you share with what authors. Here’s an example.
I knew that I had books by LT authors in my library (CW Gortner, Debra Hamel, Susan Higginbotham, David Liss, Kirsten Menger-Anderson, Richard Price, Deanna Raybourn, and Tatiana De Rosnay), but I had no idea that there were that many authors who participated in LT authors! The only time I’ve ever come into cotact with one of them was when David Liss left me a nice note on my profile page about his newest book (which makes me feel a little bad for not absolutely loving it).
What I also like, which is related to LT Authors, is the I See Dead People’s Books group. Essentially, readers on LT have gotten together to catalogue the libraries of famous (dead) people; some of the books in those libraries are quite interesting. Another favorite section is Legacy Libraries, so you can see exactly what books you share with what authors. Here’s an example.
Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers this week!
Have a wonderful week ~ Wendi