So … any Reading Resolutions? Say, specific books you plan to read? A plan to read more ____? Anything at all?
Name me at least ONE thing you’re looking forward to reading this year!
I don’t have any specific resolutions, though I’d like to get my TBR list down to a more manageable size. There are a number of books I’m looking forward to reading this year; the publishing industry may be on the fritz, but a lot of great books are coming out. For the present, I’d like to finish an ARC of Bleeding Heart Square that I’ve been reading for the past four days (it’s not difficult, it’s just that I’ve been working lately and haven’t had time); and I also have ARCs of The Little Giant of Aberdeen County, The Miracles of Prato, Darling Jim, and Silent on the Moor to get to as well (and there may be more, considering I’ve been at my parents house since December 12, so who knows what’s waiting at home). As for non-ARCs, I’ve got The Scarlet Lion, Needle in the Blood, and The Slaves of Solitude on my nightstand. And check back tomorrow to find out what I'm really, really looking forward to reading in the new year! So, provided I can find the time, 2009 will, like 2008, be a good reading year.