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Friday Finds

Here are a few books that have caught my attention recently:

The Principessa, by Christie Dickason. Sequel to The Firemaster’s Mistress.

The Devil’s Queen, by Jeanne Kalogridis (author of The Borgia Bride and others). Novel coming out sometime next spring/ summer ( says next July, but who knows?) about the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre and Catherine de Medici.

Two Early Reviewers books:

Serendipity, by Louise Shaffer and A Dangerous Affair, by Caro Peacock.

Recommended by author Deanna Raybourn: A Moment of Silence, by Anna Dean. Mystery set in Regency England. To be published next June.

Recommended by another Historical Fiction Online member: The King’s Mistress, by Emma Campion (Candace Robb). It’s about Alice Perrers, mistress to Edward III. Coming out in the UK in April.

Darling Jim, by Christian Moerk. Modern gothic suspense set in Ireland, to be published in March; ARC that’s coming to me in the mail.

The Miracles of Prato, by Laurie Albanese. Historical fiction set in Renaissance Italy and around the art thereof; to be published in January. ARC that’s coming to me in the mail.

The Owl Killers, by Karen Maitland. New book by the author of Company of Liars, coming out in the UK in the spring; so US perhaps by next fall/ winter.

Figures in Silk, by Vanora Bennett. Historical fiction; coming out in March.


Lezlie said…
I am dying to get my hands on a copy of the Jeanne Kalogridis book! I, Mona Lisa was fantastic.

Anna Claire said…
All of these sound great. Can't wait to read your reviews so I know whether to add them to my TBR list :)
The Kings Mistress and Darling Jim both look good to me!
Darlene said…
They all sound good but I sure wouldn't mind reading that sequel to The Firemaster's Mistress one of these days.
Michele said…
The Devil's Queen is just calling out to me!
Alyce said…
It amazes me how many books are in this world. I haven't heard of any of these!

Your post reminded me that I need to do my Friday Finds. :)
Marie Cloutier said…
I think I may need to get La Principessa. :-)
Danielle said…
All these are new to me except the Caro Peacock--must check the rest out. I love historical fiction and it looks like there are some interesting ones here. I still need to rad Company of Liars!
Booklogged said…
Fabulous finds. So many more to add to my list. That's good and bad, if you know what I mean.

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