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I'm probably the very last person in the bookblogosphere to talk about this in my blog, but I echo the sentiments of pretty much everyone else when I say that I was shocked to hear of Dewey's passing last week. She was such an incredible online friend and blogger, though I don't think I ever had any direct contact with her. I especially loved the effort she put into creating Weekly Geeks.

I didn't know until recently that Dewey's son has Asperger's Syndrome, and that she worked with teens on the autism spectrum. This isn't something I really talk about here because I'm still getting used to it, but in August I too was diagnosed with Asperger's. It really touches me that Dewey had so much compassion for people on the spectrum; I remember that she was constantly adding books on the subject to her TBR pile.

I'll miss her in our little online community.


Serena said…
I had no idea that her son had Asperger's Syndrome, nor did I know that you had it! I really don't know anything about it.
Bookfool said…
I had no idea, either. Dewey just wrote to give me some terrific suggestions as to what to give my secret Christmas pal, about 2 weeks ago. It doesn't seem real that she's gone.
Anonymous said…
I had no idea Dewey was ill till I saw the blog post. The thing that tore me up was that I'd just won a book from one of her book contests. It arrived while I was home for the holidays and I opened it up yesterday when I got home. There was a handwritten note in it from Dewey. She was a lovely lady and I will certainly miss reading her blog.

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