I received a second ARC of Mistress of Mellyn in the mail today, so I'm having a giveaway for it!
Here are the rules for entry:
1) Deadline to enter is December 11th, or a week from today
2) US entries only
3) Please be sure to leave an e-mail or some way for me to reach you in case you win. Good luck! Watch out for a couple more giveaways here in the next few weeks.
kim at phoenix-rising dot net
teabird 17 *at* yahoo * dot * com
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
readersrespite AT yahoo DOT com
webereading at gmailDOTcom
saz AT chainreader DOT com
Enter me please
florida982002@yahoo dot come
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
janemarieprice [at] gmail.com
Thanks for sharing!
Jessica - thebluestockingsociety at gmail
On the Night of the Seventh Moon is the first one of hers I read--I can even remember sun bathing on our deck in the summer totally wrapped up in that book!! Mistress of Mellyn was another one of my favorites by here.
Please enter me in the drawing! After all these years, I can't believe that I don't own one single Holt book! This must be remedied--I sure hope I win. ;)
my email: kimmmery4atyahoodotcom