Advice is needed! I've just finished an ARC of The Toss of a Lemon, by Padma Viswanathan, and I've got a stack of books on my nightstand. Also, its the perfect day for starting a new book; it's raining, and so dark outside (at one pm) that it feels like night. Here it is:
Unnatural Death, by Dorothy Sayers. The third book in the Lord Peter Wimsey series. Been on my nightstand for forever.
The Best of Everything, by Rona Jaffe. 1950s novel about working girls in New York City. Bought this yesterday on impulse.
The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Bought this for the 1% Well Read Challenge.
Evelina, by Fanny Burney. Another 1% book. It's been sitting on my nightstand for quite a while now.
The Slaves of Solitude, by Patrick Hamilton. Author of Hangover Square.
East Lynne, by Ellen Wood. 1860s sensationalist novel in the style of Mary Elizabeth Braddon.
The Nine Tailors, by Dorothy Sayers. Another 1% book.
Christine Falls, by Benjamin Black. Irish mystery.
The Bird Fall Down, by Rebecca West. Also for the 1% challenge. My copy is a (battered looking) second edition.
I haven't read any of the ones on your list but I'm a sucker for anything Irish so I vote for Christine Falls. I'd love to hear about it when/if you choose to read it.
Hope the sun comes out soon for you--
(page after page)
And, I'd say go with Remains of the Day - I love that book. Hope whichever one you pick will be a good read!