201 reading stats: Number of books read: 145 Number of re-reads: 2 Number of distinct authors: 114 Male authors: 12 Female authors: 102 Most frequent author: Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (8) New-to-me authors: 74 Second-time around authors: 17 Longest book completed: Into the Wildrness (896 pp) Shortest book completed: The Circular Staircase (148 pp) Books from series/sequels/trilogies: 35 Number of series represented: 21 Most productive month: March, June (15 each) Least productive month: November (8) Books first published in 2010 (my edition): Reviews posted in 2010: Genres (some may overlap): Fiction: 136 Chick lit: 1 Historical fiction: 73 Classics: 47 Mystery: 17 YA: 0 Short Stories: 3 Other: Nonfiction: 10 History: 7 Biography: 2 Memoir: 4 Women’s Studies: 6 Essays: 3 ...
"When I get a little money, I buy books. And if there is any left over, I buy food." --Erasmus