Happy New Year! I guess it’s time for the ubiquitous end of year reading wrap up. This year I read a lot less, due to a number of reasons. I finished 93 books in 2011, which is a lot less than my usual 140-plus books in 2010, 2009, and 2008. It’s been a good year for reading, though. I read a large number of Persephones and Virago Modern Classics. I read a few historical fiction and historical nonfiction books, though the number has definitely decreased in comparison to previous years. But I also read a lot more nonfiction, and a lot more new-to-me authors. On the other hand, I still unintentionally focus on female authors over male more in my reading habits. The full list of books I read in 2011 can be found here. Hopefully in 2012 I can get back to reading earnest, but it might get put on the back burner this year as I continue working on my degree.
Today is actually my blogoversary; today this blog turns 4! Hard to believe that I’ve been doing this so long and I’m still keeping it up. Thinking back on it, my reading habits have changed a bit since I started this blog; I’m still interested in historical fiction, but I have a much smaller interest in reviewing ARCs. In fact, it’s probably been about a year since I reviewed an ARC or accepted one for review! I began collecting and reading Persephones at the beginning of 2009, and VMCs in 2010, so that’s probably contributed to the decline in review copies around my apartment.
Personally, a lot has changed for me, too: I’ve moved twice and had two jobs (both within the same company) in the past four years. I started this blog when I was 24, living in New York City, and unemployed. I’m now 28, living back in Philly (where I grew up), happily and luckily employed, and working on my career goals by working on my graduate degree. I also lost about 20 pounds, and had a major breakthrough in 2008, which has contributed a lot towards my personal growth. So a lot has happened to me, almost all of it good!
Happy blogiversary, and here's to another good year in 2012.